Offering fine art appraisals for donation, resale, estate, and insurance purposes, Jennifer Cartwright is a competent art appraiser with over twenty years experience. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Cartwright Appraisals serves private, corporate and public clients on a national level.


Donation appraisals determine the fair market value of artworks for artists and collectors seeking tax receipts for charitable gifts-in-kind.  Cartwright Appraisals works closely with museums, galleries, and national institutions to prepare customized evaluations in accordance with guidelines set forth by Revenue Canada and/or the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board.


Insurance appraisals determine the replacement cost of artworks and are used as evidence in the event of a loss or claim for individuals concerned with receiving adequate insurance coverage of their fine art investments.


Estate appraisals are mainly conducted for probate and tax purposes but are also prepared for additional circumstances, such as divorce, where the division of assets requires an arms-length evaluation.


Cartwright Appraisals offers expert advice on current market norms and the most appropriate venue for the sale of your artwork.